When: Saturday, September 13, 2014
9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Where: Southwest TN Community College
Fulton Auditorium
5983 Macon Cove
Memphis, TN 38134
Cost: FREE.
Campus Map for Southwest TN Community College: macon.pdf
Registration Is Now Open!
Register With This Form:
Secure Coding Training
On Friday, Sept. 12, leading up to the conference day, Jim Manico (@manicode, manico.net) will teach a free course in secure coding at this year's BSidesMemphis. Registration for the course is separate from the conference registration and seating is limited. Use this form to register but please only register if you expect to attend.
When: Friday, September 12, 2014
12:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Where: Southwest TN Community College
Farris Auditorium
5983 Macon Cove
Memphis, TN 38134
Cost: FREE.
Sell Tickets through Eventbrite
Sponsors make BSidesMemphis possible, and we appreciate all levels of sponsorship. Please see BSidesMemphis 2014 Sponsorship Kit for more details.
Call for Presentations
BSidesMemphis 2014 Call for Presentations is now closed.
Friday September 12, 2014
12 PM - 5PM |
FREE Secure Coding Training |
Saturday September 13, 2014
9:00 AM - 9:30 AM |
Check-in & Registration |
9:30 AM - 9:50 AM
3rd Year Kickoff & Keynote
10 AM - 10:50 AM |
Dave Chronister: Give me your data! |
11:00 AM - 11:50 PM
Roxy (@theroxyd) - Make space for STEM education
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
LUNCH!!! / Firetalks
1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Kyle Maxwell (@kylemaxwell) - Hackertainment |
2:00 PM - 2:50 PM |
Ben Miller (@securithid) - Why you can't prove you're PWND but you are! |
3:00 PM - 3:50 PM |
Brian "Hermit" Mork (@hermit_hacker) - Cracking With The Enemy |
4:00 PM - 4:50 PM |
Charline Nixon, Ph.D - The Art of Mobile Forensics |
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM |
Prizes, Closing Remarks & Participant Feedback |
7:00 PM - ??? |
BSidesMemphis After Party @ Brinson's Downtown Chicken Lounge (live Soul band) - Map & Direction: http://bit.ly/1uDX1Lx)
, Sponsored by Parameter Security
If you have ideas for a talk that is 10-15 minutes long, be sure register for BSidesMemphis lunch fire talks. See registration table at the event for more details.
Presentation Abstracts
Why you can’t prove you’re PWND, but you are! (Why you are compromised and don’t know it.)
2013 was the year of the hacker. Network breaches made media headlines everywhere you turned. Was your company one of them? If not, did you check all of your systems, metrics, users, and logs to ensure unauthorized access did not occur? Did you find evidence of a breach? Of course not, you are GLBA/HIPAA/PCI compliant! That means you are secure, right? WRONG! In this eye-opening presentation, Ethical Hacker, Ben Miller reviews network baselines, how Trojan activity (which could be on your network RIGHT NOW) is extremely hard to detect if you aren’t properly looking for it. Using tools that are readily available to any wannabe malicious attacker, Miller demonstrates how hiding traffic in home and corporate networks can evade detection. The FUD will be kept to a minimum but the “secret” to protecting your networks will be unveiled.
Make space for STEM education
Roxy from TheLab.ms will talk about her experience from her first 2600 meeting and how important it is to provide learning experiences for both adults and children in order to provide opportunities. As a woman and a newb, it was hard for her to get the courage to even go to the first meeting. The community ended up being very welcoming.
Along with this wonderful community, she found a few people willing to start up a makerspace. The Lab is creating a place for people to get together to learn, collaborate, and inspire new ideas. Roxy would like to share the process, along with lessons learned and inspire others to contribute to community projects to share information. Also, this talk will touch on the importance of STEM education at an early age, and inspire others to teach and educate no matter what level they are at.
Rather than raid for more epic purples on your Level 90 Dwarven Warrior or boomheadshot some n00bs, you can spend your "gaming" time doing what we love best: hacking for sheer entertainment value. We'll talk about all sorts of different ways to do this, from hacking CTFs to mathlete coding competitions.
This talk has something for all skill levels, also. Whether you're an old hand at assembly coding since the 8088 or just started learning about HTML and Excel macros; whether you smashed the stack for fun before there was profit or think the padlock in your browser means the server is secure; there's something here for you.
Give me your data!
We hear new stories daily about a malicious hacker compromising the sensitive data of corporations, governments and individuals. But that is only half of the story. The genesis of this talk was from the idea that even today, data is still not stored securely. Ethical Hacker conducted a research project in which he wanted to find out if he could gain access to sensitive data. The catch? He would not hack any systems, all data must be collected legally. From buying devices on Facebook and bidding for Hard Drives on Ebay, to monitoring public photo sharing sites; Dave will discuss the methods to retrieve the information. Dave will show his findings, some of which is very surprising.
Cracking With The Enemy
It's becoming cliche to use distributed systems to tackle large volume sets, but have you ever considered how you might do it when every node, every participant, is against you? Cracking With The Enemy will discuss the design choices and approach that were used in the creation of CAS53214, a free, open source, distributed password cracker with a twist: it cryptographically isolates each node and doesn't trust any of the answers it receives.
Brian Mork (@hermit_hacker) was one of the two lead designers and implementers of this solution, which was used in the DefCon 19 Crack Me If You Can contest to allow two people to run the efforts of 20+ contributors.
The Art of Mobile Forensics
Abstract TDB
Contact/Connect Info
Social Media
- Twitter - @BsidesMemphis
- Please use the tag #BsidesMemphis for content related to this event
- Jimmy Butler - @Jimmy_Butler_14
- Thomas Le - @lotusr00t
- Eli Kirby - @E_Kirby
- Daniel Lissner - @speakingcode
- Josh Scott - @scottjosh
- Charline Nixon - @CharlineNixon
Invite your friends by posting this on Twitter: "#BSidesMemphis September, 13,2014: Discover the next big thing! http://bit.ly/1t2IR5X"
Tags for flickr, twitter, blog, etc.
Please use the tag #BSidesMemphis for picture, tweets, and other social media posts.
Print this form and ask any of BSidesMemphis organizers to sign it if you need proof of attendance for your CPE (Continuing Professional Education) credits.
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