

BSides Los Angeles 2013



Event Details     |    Call For Presenters     |     Sponsors     |     Registration     |     Schedule



Speakers are Announced.  See the list here!





August 22 & 23, 2013


Dockweiler Youth Center


Dockweiler State Beach



Free (as always!)



And we Love our Sponsors!


Follow us on Twitter: @BSidesLA

Use the hastag #BSidesLA on Twitter 

"What up, Beaches?" - @shrdlu

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Event details


Security on the beach, where else but in Los Angeles!


The goal of BSidesLA is to mash up the local Southern California security community with the best open thinkers from around the world in the famous SecurityBSides open, interactive and community oriented format.  This is a collaborative event - for all of us, by all of us.  The only thing we ask of you is to participate.  Come and talk, speak up, ask questions and participate throughout the event.  It is a time for all of us to learn, share and explore without judgment, and to inspire those around us.


Pictures of the 2011 Event


The event will include:

  • Thursday and Friday during the day there will be a selection of semi-scheduled talks at Dockweiler Youth Center.
    • Registration opens at 9:30 AM Thursday and Friday
    • Talks start at 10:00 AM on Thursday and 9:00 AM on Friday
    • Lunch will be provided and will be at 12:00


  • Thursday Night After Party on the Beach!  Food, firetalks, ocean, and the stars. Fun begins at 5:00 PM
  • Fireside Talks - Come sit by a fire on the beach and talk after the talks are over. We'll be having free-form group conversations driven by community-driven questions on relevant topics in the world of security and tech.
  •  3D Printing - 3D printing has become a hot topic over the past couple years in the hacker community. Learn about how 3D printers work, play with them, and check out software and hardware that runs them.


Volunteers!  Sponsors! We need sponsors, wranglers, handlers, speakers, nuts, looneys, the sane, and those of you that are somewhere in-between to all throw in a hand. Because in Los Angeles, we do everything BIG.


Invite your friends by posting this on Twitter: "#BSidesLA August 22&23,2013: Discover the next big thing!"





If you would like to be a sponsor of BSidesLA, please contact the organizers at bsidesla-org [at] googlegroups [dot] com


We have some great opportunities for media exposure, collaboration and ways to participate in supporting the community.

Most importantly, if you are hiring, this is an opportunity to make yourselves known, and to meet the local extraordinary talent in our community.


We Love Our Sponsors!


Online Media Sponsor
Above and Beyond Sponsors

Engage Sponsors

Core Sponsors

Community Sponsors



Attendee Registration

General Admission

Registration is open!  Once the tickets are gone, they will be gone!  If you want to be a volunteer, please register just as a volunteer. 



Big thank you to all the organizers who make this year even better!  Many will be returning this year, and we encourage anyone else who would like to come out and help us make 2013 even better!


  • Daniel Blander - That Gnarly Dude who sleeps on the beach
  • Yenny Yi - The Surfer who is always hanging ten!
  • Josh Chin - Keeps his motherboard waxed and ready
  • Dave Wettenstein - Draws his own stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
  • Joe Luna - Wears the Sunglasses at Night at the Sunset Grill
  • Joe Rozner - Collects sand and c-shells to share
  • Sean McAllister - War Drives a convertible with spinners
  • Terry Gold - The beach cruiser with flair (and wireless) 



Call for Presenters


The BSidesLA 2013 Call For Papers (CFP) is now closed.


See the speaker list here!


See you again next year!





Time Room A Room B Lock Picking Village 3D Printing Area RFID Hacking Village
9:30 - 10:30 Registration
10:30 - 11:00 Welcome to BSides Presentation
11:00 - 12:00 Malware Automation - Christopher Elisan We Are China, and We Are In You - Antonio Rucci Intro to Lockpicking     
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Your Vulnerability Scanner is Lying to You - Adam Brand, Tottenkoph Good In A Room- What Hollywood Teaches us about Selling Your Information Security Program - Sean Cordero Combination Locks & Safes     
2:00 - 3:00 Passive Aggressuve Bluetooth Scanning with Python - Ryan Holeman Students With an Interest the Future of Technology (SWIFT) Intro to Lockpicking     
3:00 - 4:00 Mobile Malware Heuristics: The path from 'eh' to pretty good'. - Jimmy Shah 5,000 + 5,000 by 2020 – The National Cybersecurity Sports Federation - Daniel Manson High-Security & Exotic Locks     
4:00 - 5:00 Another Log to Analyze - Utilizing DNS to Idenify Malware - Nathan Magniez Pre-boot Attacks - James Shewmaker      
5:00 - ??? Firetalks and Beach Party



Time Room A Room B Lock Picking Village 3D Printing Area RFID Hacking Village
9:00 - 10:00 Alice in Exploit-Redirection Land - Nathan Magniez Low Risk/ High Return: Hack a Mentor - Carolyn Lear      
10:00 - 11:00 The Seven Deadly Sins of Mobile Application Development - Dan Kuykendall
Leveraging Intel From Hackers to Mitigate Risks - Matt Johansen Intro to Lockpicking     
11:00 - 12:00 Cyber War & Insider Threats - Antonio Rucci

Friendly Competition - Mentoring Youth in InfoSec - Alex Levinson Combination Locks & Safes     
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
1:00 - 2:00 Watching the Watchmen - (in)security of IP Cameras Exposed - Sergey Shekyan Security Management War Stories - Wendy Nather Intro to Lockpicking     
2:00 - 3:00 Introduction to Dynamic Malware Analysis - D. Shaw Agility and Rapid Innovation through the Ten Dimensions of Cyber Security Performance - Russel Thomas Intro to Impressioning     
3:00 - 4:00 Cleaner or Janitor – Incident Response to an active attack - John Stauffacger, Matthew Hoy
4:00 - 5:00 Closing remarks, Feedback


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