News Flash!!!!!
Track 1 and Track 2 are now available for your viewing pleasure.. Click HERE or HERE for more details
The Rookie Track talks are now available for your viewing pleasure. Click HERE for more details.
We have a winner for out BSides London 2013 t-shirt contest.. The winning design is HERE.. congrats to everyone that took part and we look forward to wearing the winning design in April..
FAQ - Read this first please if you have any questions/queries.
1. Oh my god all the tickets have gone!!!:
Yes the two main bulk releases of tickets is over (done, sold out, gone etc etc.) However we do have a waiting list which is active and working well. If you prefer not to wait on the waiting list we will be publishing a number of challenges and competitions that will give you the opportunity to win a golden ticket (well it's not golden and you don't get a life time supply of chocolate either).
Things to note about the waiting list:
Once you have registered please note that Eventbrite doesn't send a confirmation email, so don't go click happy, once is enough and you don't get multiple tickets the more times you click.
When a space becomes available you will get an email with a link, if you follow the link and it doesn't work then it means you have missed the time window and you are put back on the waiting list. If you manage to get a ticket then please tweet about it, that way people still know the list is moving (the twitter address for the event is lower down this page).
2. I think BSides is awesome and I want to volunteer on the day:
OK first off volunteering does NOT get you a free ticket (nice try), however if you have a confirmed ticket and would like to give a few hours of your time on the day then please let us know.
Secondly volunteering on the day does mean that Iggy gets to treat you like her personal slave and she will make you work so be prepared!! (please note only some of this is true).
You can also contact us if you want to help with the next Bsides London event in 2014, this means that you too can be part of this awesome event from the start, and again Iggy will work you like a donkey and expect your soul in return (I'm not joking this time...)
3. What can I expect on the day??
Well apart from the day being generally awesome, BSides is all about YOU so if you turn up stand in a corner and don't speak to anyone its your loss (although the talks are good so..), but seriously its a chance for you to meet lots of people that you may follow on twitter or have a shrine to in your bedroom so don't waste it. As my old instructor said "Don't be shy, give it a try".
4. Awkward hugs, I hear they occur at Security cons?
OK so lets first define an Awkward Hug, a AH (awkward hug) is basically a hug between 2 or more people that leaves each party feeling slightly disturbed about the encounter, in order for it to be an official AH you need a photo and publish it on twitter with the hashtag #AwkwardHug.
For example, hugging Iggy on the day is not necessarily classed as a AH due to her small statue making it awkward for "tall" people in general (she is so going to kill me for this), so if you intend to AH Iggy please make it look really awkward (photo or it never happened).
Although not an official requirement for the day please get in the spirit and awkward hug you way around the con, the BSides London crew love to be hugged (they might deny it but..).
If you have any other questions, please let the BSides crew know, there is a list of people further down so don't be afraid to get in touch.
If you would like to sponsor BSides London 2013 please email us:
Event Details:
When |
April 24th 2013 |
Where |
Kensington & Chelsea Town Hall, Horton Street, London, W8 7NX |
Cost |
Free (as always!) |
The 2 rounds of ticket availability have been and gone, however you can still join the waiting list or take part in the upcoming competitions and challenges. |
Call for papers |
CLOSED - You can view the 63 talks here ahead of the voting or click HERE to vote (you need your BSides ticket number) |
Running order |
Track 1
Track 2
Rookie Track
Follow us on Twitter @BSidesLondon
Join our Linkedin group "BSides London"
The logo contest is now CLOSED. The entries can be found here
The first B-Sides London 2013 Challenges are below:
So they say patience is a virtue, one which for us geeks doesn't always come easy and I'm sure waiting on a waiting list isn't "fun" (and if it is, well then seek help now).
However there is more than one way to get a ticket for the InfoSec event of 2013 that really matters and this is your chance. The first B-Sides London challenge for 2013 is going live on Wednesday the 6th of February, so call in sick, skip a class or two (no don't really that's bad) and get yourself in "the zone".
Our crack team of challenge creators and mischief makers have come up with a number of challenges to confuse and delight you. The details are below (also available on our main website):
Challenge Name |
Details |
Challenge 1 - "The little puzzle answer is..." |
Title: Challenge 1 - "a little puzzle" by Didier Stevens Description: The challenge is simple, crack the puzzle and email the answer and your solution to the challenge team
Click HERE to download the excel spreadsheet.
Have fun and please don't share any answers with anyone.
Terms and Conditions
1 - You cannot enter if you are a volunteer for this event
2 - You must submit your answer by April 1st 2013 18:00 (6pm) GMT
3 - The first 3 to submit the correct answer will get a ticket to BSidesLondon13
4 - After the closing deadline the best answer will get a ticket plus a further winner will be selected from all those who has submitted the correct answer.
5 - Judges decision is final and prizes can't be exchanged for cash or favours ;-)
Challenge Two – “The Case of the Disappearing Delicacy” |
Title: Challenge Two – “The Case of the Disappearing Delicacy” by Alec Waters
Description: Business at Fat Dex’s Diner is down and he’s blaming it on a new joint opening up on the East Side, Iggy’s Eats. He also claims to have evidence that Iggy has stolen one of his secret recipes, but this proof is encrypted and Dex doesn’t have the key. Can you help Packet Tracy decrypt the recipe and place enough evidence before the Judge to send the thief down the river to Sing Sing?
Full story and puzzle file: HERE
Have fun and please don't share any answers with anyone.
Terms and Conditions
1 - You cannot enter if you are a member of the B-Sides London crew
2 - You must submit your answer by April 1st 2013 18:00 (6pm) GMT
3 - The first 3 to submit the correct answer showing all the steps taken to determine the guilty party will get a ticket to B-Sides London 2013
4 - After the closing deadline the best answer will get:
- a ticket for Hack In Paris 2013, a ticket to B-Sides London 2013 (if required) plus
- a further winner of B-Sides London 2013 tickets will be selected from all those who have submitted a correct and complete answer.
These winners will be decided on criteria including the thoroughness and completeness of the presented investigation, and/or the use of an appropriate narrative style
5 – Judge’s decision is final and prizes can't be exchanged for cash or favours ;-)
6 - This challenge will involve you interacting with live systems via the Internet. If the system’s name doesn’t end in, you’re in the wrong place and you should stop.
7 - Any forceful attempts to “hack” the challenge systems may result in it being taken offline prematurely, which would be a shame. All necessary information is provided for you – all you need to do is find it!
8 - All characters, organisations and other such entities featured in the challenge are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
The Team:
Name |
Twitter Handle |
Pre Event Job |
On the day job |
Soraya (Iggy) |
@geekchickuk |
Operational Support & Con Liason (aka the Boss) |
Daniel |
@virturity |
Sponsorship King or the Moneyman (aka the real Boss)
Paul |
@b4seb4nd |
Treasurer |
Mital |
@MitalGoel |
PR |
Jamie Duxbury |
@w1bble |
AV/Photos |
Jim Shields |
@jimshout |
AV |
Ian Maxted |
@thejeffvader |
Web Team |
Adam Maxwell |
@catalyst256 |
Web Team |
Tomasz Miklas |
@TomaszMiklas |
Challenge Team |
Marc Wickenden |
@marcwickenden |
Challenge Team (Ruby fanboi) |
Tom McCredie |
@d3m0n35 |
Challenge Team |
Robin Wood |
@digininja |
Education Liason |
Arron Finux |
@f1nux |
Education Liason & Podcast (maybe if we ask nicely) |
Nick Barron |
@hvcco |
Speaker Liason |
Ben Dewar-Powell |
@bdpuk |
Wrangling speakers in advance & tech talks |
Konrads Smelkovs |
@truekonards |
Campbell Murray |
@zyx2k |
Security B-sides London 2013 "The Hat-trick edition" CfP
For more details about the CfP click HERE
Security B-sides London Workshops
If you have any suggestions for workshops for the next big Security Event, then please email us at [email protected] (Remember workshops aren't voted for they are select by the BSidesLondon organisers).
Security B-sides London 2013 "Rookie Track"
At BSides London we aim to target the whole of the security community, from security hobbyists to working pen-testers, from those just getting in to the field to seasoned professionals. One of the hardest leaps a newcomer to the industry can make is from watching talks to actually giving their own. With this in mind we have decided that this year we will run a track of talks specifically dedicated to those who have never spoken at a conference before and we have named it "The Rookie Track".
This track is for anyone who has never presented at a conference before, whether you are a student still at university, someone who has recently made the conversion to security or someone who has been in the industry for years but has never had the confidence to set up and present their information.
As it is quite daunting to create a full hour long talk and go through a normal CFP for your first talk we have decided to make it all a little easier. Talks will be just 15 minutes long and hopefully in a smaller, more intimate room than the normal conference theaters. We are creating an easier CFP process and we will also be offering mentors who help you through the whole process. When you sign up to be involved we will assign you a mentor, someone with speaking experience who has been through the process and will be able to help you along the way. They won't write the slides for you but they will help review them, offer suggestions on content and, we think quite importantly, will be in the audience when you give your presentation so you know there will be at least one friendly face there willing you on.
The Community Supporters..
The Sponsors..
Core Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Silver Sponsors
More content to come..
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