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Event Details:


  • When: Saturday, May 07, 2011
  • Where: Auditorium Center - Cathedral Hall (Map | Video)
  • Cost: Free (as always!)


RSVP required for attendance: 






Photos of the event: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jack_daniel/sets/72157626669928410/


Videos of presentations: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/BSidesROC     





We are looking for sponsors that are ready to make a HUGE impact on the security world.

Send email to [email protected] if you would like more information on how your organization can help.


Many thanks to the companies that "get it", who have helped make BSidesROC happen:

Engage the Audience


Above & Beyond


Attendee list available at http://bsidesroc.eventbrite.com/



Starting 4/26 and going through May 2nd, you can obtain a BSidesROC rate if you book your room at the Strathallan Hotel. Located at 550 East Avenue, Rochester, NY, it is in walking distance of the con.

There are two options for rooms with the BSidesROC rate:
 1) $99 for a standard studio suite which has either a king or two queens.
 2) $109 for a one bedroom suite


Both of these have kitchen areas, in addition to the usual stuff (private bathroom, etc.)

To make a reservation:
By phone: call 1-800-678-7284 and reserve the rooms you want.  Tell them you are with the group "Bsides Rochester" and the rate should be either $99 or $109.

By Web: go to https://booking.ihotelier.com/istay/istay.jsp?hotelid=5102 and fill out the information for which room you want, either One Bedroom Suite or Studio.  Fill out the requested information and under the comments
section put something to the affect of "I am with BSides Rochester" before you submit.  You will NOT see the rate applied.  It will be applied retroactively.

By Email: emailing [email protected] and mentioning the rooms you want and that you are with "BSides Rochester" will get them booked.

We recommend just calling directly so you ensure that you have the right rate applied.





You may also contact [email protected] with any questions about this specific event. 

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