



Click to download your parking pass

BSides CT will be held in the Oak Roam at the John A Barone Campus Center (#13 on the map)

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BSides CT 2018 is SOLD OUT

Click Below for the Wait List





When: Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

Where: Fairfield University, 1073 N. Benson Rd. , Fairfield, CT 06824




Spread the news by posting this on Twitter:

"#BSidesCT Saturday, November 3, 2018: CFP is open! "

Follow us on Twitter @BSidesCT for updated information!





Time Start


Track 1

Other Activities

8:00 AM

Registration Begins

Breakfast is Served

9:00 AM Frederick Scholl      Keynote - Threat Modeling: Removing the Mystery

10:00 AM

Loren Dealy Mahler

Incident Response Communications: Putting Out Fires Before They Start

CTF Opens

11:00 AM

Roy Wattanasin

How To "Be All You Can Be" in Your Career

Lightning talks - first come first serve?

12:00 PM




12:30 PM

Jon Williams

SSH Grabber - A Simple Hack to Sniff Linux Passwords from a Controlled Host


1:00 PM

Tal Melamed
Serverless Security: New world. New war.  

2:00 PM

Chuck McAuley

Cryptojacking Servers: The Intersection of poor patch management, ICO's and autopwning 


3:00 PM

Patrick Laverty & Aaron Herndon

Pentesting: Tips, Tricks and Stories


4:00 PM

Peter Smith

Multidimensional Attack Path Analysis: Eliminating Network Blind Spots


5:00 PM

illwill Skiptracer CTF Ends    

5:30 PM

John Hammond    

10 Steps to Build & Lead a Competitive Cybersecurity/CTF Team

6PM - 9PM Closing Ceremony  Networking Event  and Afterparty T.B.A.



     Capture the flag:  Test your skills on Recon, OSINT, Network & WiFi Attacks



     Lightning Talks: Don't be shy....Sign up to give a lightning talk!





In the BODY of the email, in order, please include:

  • Speaker name(s) and contact information

  • Bio limited to 100 words for presenter or whole team 

  • Presentation Title

  • Abstract of the presentation topic, limited to 200 words or less for use in the printed program and for the website. 

  • Detailed outline or description of the topic. Get into the meat of what the presentation is about in detail. This really shouldn't be skipped.

  • List of other conferences at which submission has been presented or submitted.

  • Are you a potential first time presenter? Have you spoken at any other conferences? If yes, which ones? 







Here's a short summary of available packages: BSidesCT 2018 Sponsorship Summary.pdf

Or review our various packages: BSidesCT_Sponsorships_2018.pdf


Contact us at Sponsors [at] BSidesCT [dot] org to become a sponsor 



2018 Sponsors
















Will Genovese


Jon Searles

Roman Simanovich

Thomas Stott

Sean Roche


0day Simpson

Tom Barber

Tom Pepin
Mike Terban

David Freitag





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